caroline international x mixtape madness

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Mixtape Madness.

Speaking about the deal, Kwabz, CEO of Mixtape Madness said: “Caroline International believed in our vision and more importantly their passion to unearth and elevate emerging UK urban artists exceeded all of our expectations. It was refreshing to hear a proposal that wasn’t focused on streaming numbers and YouTube views. Hearing and seeing them go against the mainstream media narrative and focusing on helping young, talented artists transcend beyond their current environment to develop careers was a key factor for us. With our complimentary skill sets and combined experience we are excited to take independent UK urban music to another level.”

Colin Batsa, A&R consultant at Caroline said: “What Kwabz and Daniel have achieved so far is nothing short of phenomenal. The partnership between them and Caroline International is extremely exciting and beneficial to a lot of amazing artists and labels within the music industry.”

Jim Chancellor, co-MD of Caroline said: “We are over the moon the magnificent Mixtape Madness team have decided to come and join us here at Caroline International. Kwabz and his band of brothers and sisters have created one of the most amazing and fruitful platforms for new young talent to develop within. We’re honoured to be their partner and look forward to helping them grow Mixtape Madness to epic proportions!”

Read more about the deal over on MusicWeek.